Computing decimal digits of square roots

We define the integer square root nn of a number NN0N \in \mathbb{N}_0 as the largest integer nn such that n2Nn^2 \leq N (so we have n=Nn = \lfloor \sqrt{N} \rfloor). For given numbers nn and NN it’s easy to check if nn is the integer square root of NN, because in that case we have
n2N<(n+1)2 n^2 \leq N < (n + 1)^2

The difference of the square of two consecutive numbers k,k+1k, k + 1 is the kkth odd number:
(k+1)2k2=2k+1 (k + 1)^2 - k^2 = 2k + 1

So by summing the first nn odd numbers we find n2n^2:
n2=k=0n12k+1 n^2 = \sum_{k = 0}^{n - 1} 2k + 1

Indeed we see that 12=11^2 = 1, 22=1+32^2 = 1 + 3, 32=1+3+53^2 = 1 + 3 + 5, etc.

This can be used to find the integer square root of a number NN; We just keep on adding odd numbers until adding the next number would make the sum bigger than NN.

Now, we have N=100kN10k\sqrt{N} = \frac{\sqrt{100^k N}}{10^k} so that 100kN10k\frac{\lfloor 100^k N \rfloor}{10^k} gives us N\sqrt{N} with the first kk digits after the decimal dot. For example, to find the first 3 digits of 11.6611.66 we compute the integer square root of 100311.66=11660000100^3 \cdot 11.66 = 11660000 and we see that
11660000103=3.414 \frac{\sqrt{11660000}}{10^3} = 3.414

Note that this way of computing does not round the digits. The actual value of 11.66\sqrt{11.66} is 3.414673.41467 so it would be more accurate to round up to 3.4153.415 here. One way to do this is to compute one extra digit dd, and do not include it in the decimal expansion, but only to round the previous digits (so increase the last digit by one if d5d \geq 5).

It is possible to convert this algorithm to a streaming algorithm, which produces digits one by one. We already saw how to compute the digits before the decimal point. We use this to calculate an approximation xx to N\sqrt{N}. When we have found a digit of xx, we simply start increasing the next digit until we find that x2x^2 would become larger than NN if we increase it further.

x      x^2      (x + 1)^2 - x^2
0      0
1      1
2      4
3      9
3.1    9.61               (4^2 > 11.66, go to the next digit)
3.2    10.24
3.3    10.89
3.4    11.56
3.41   11.6281
3.411  11.634921          (3.42^2 > 11.66, go to the next digit)
3.412  11.641744
3.413  11.648569
3.414  11.655396
...                       (3.415 > 11.66, go to the next digit)

We see that when we move to the nnth digit after the decimal dot, the delta becomes 2 * x / 10^n + 10^(2n). this makes sense because we’re computing the next digit kk to compute a new approximation xx' of the form x=x+k10nx' = x + \frac{k}{10^n}, which makes the next delta
(x+k+110n)(x+k10n)=2x+1102n (x + \frac{k + 1}{10^n}) - (x + \frac{k}{10^n}) = 2x + \frac{1}{10^{2n}}

from decimal import Decimal, getcontext

def compute_sqrt_digits(input: Decimal, num_digits=10) -> Decimal:
    getcontext().prec = num_digits  # set precision of Decimal arithmetic
    precision = Decimal('0.1') ** num_digits

    delta = Decimal(1)
    digit_value = Decimal(1)
    current_approximation = Decimal(0)
    current_square_approximation = Decimal(0)

    while True:
        if current_square_approximation + delta <= input:
            current_approximation += digit_value
            current_square_approximation += delta
            delta += 2 * digit_value * digit_value
            digit_value /= 10
            delta = (2 * current_approximation + digit_value) * digit_value
            if input - current_square_approximation <= precision:
                return current_approximation

If xx is our approximation of NN and Nx2N - x^2 becomes smaller than precision, the function stops improving and returns xx. This is guaranteed to return only correct digits (e.g. it can’t happen that it outputs 1.99 but the number actually turns out to be two or larger).

This code can be slightly improved by nothing that we really only compare current_square_approximation with input, so that we can use a single variable rest = input - current_square_approximation instead.

from decimal import Decimal, getcontext

def compute_sqrt_digits(input: Decimal, num_digits=10) -> Decimal:
    getcontext().prec = num_digits  # set precision of Decimal arithmetic
    precision = Decimal('0.1') ** num_digits

    delta = Decimal(1)
    digit_value = Decimal(1)
    current_approximation = Decimal(0)
    rest = input

    while True:
        if delta <= rest:
            current_approximation += digit_value
            rest -= delta
            delta += 2 * digit_value * digit_value
            digit_value /= 10
            delta = (2 * current_approximation + digit_value) * digit_value
            if rest <= precision:
                return current_approximation

If you want the digits to come out one by one, shift the decimal dot left or right an even number of places, so that the input number has either one or two digits before the decimal dot. If you shifted the decimal dot in the input by 2N2N places, the decimal dot in the output needs to be shifted in the other direction by NN places. If you do not do this, there might be a series of zeroes before the first non-zero digit. Another possibility is that the first ‘digit’ that is printed actually contains multiple digits. For example, if you compute the square root of 10000, the accumulating loop will take 100 steps, and then output 100 as a single digit. This is inefficient, since it will take the loop 100 iterations before moving on the next digit, instead of the maximum of 9 iterations it would take when the input would have one or two digits before the decimal dot.

A similar algorithm is described by Lionel Dangerfield on Paul Bourke’s site.