Revamped blog

My blog has been in a bit of a rut lately. Well, for the last two-and-a-half years, that is. I wrote a bunch of things, but never really finished things to such an extent that I feel comfortable uploading them.

What I have done, however, is revamp my blog. Besides a few cosmetic issues that are yet to be solved (some missing fonts, mostly), this should not affect the site or the content on it too much. However, on the backend there have been quite a few changes:

The content of my posts now exists of a bunch of markdown files with a YAML front matter that contains some metadata. This should at least make it a bit easier to update my site. This post serves as a bit of a test, or maybe a benchmark.

Update: I pressed that start timere on my stopwatch and enter on my keyboard at the same time, and it takes about a minute to deploy. The server service (in the sense of systemd service) is restarted, but I didn’t notice any downtime. Not bad!